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Ep.#16 Discussions around Once a Upon a Time in Hollywood // Surlisten To This

Mr. Joyce & Ms. Lu Season 1 Episode 16

Surlisten to this… // Series.1 Episode.16

You're listening to drivel and so it is with sincerity, we thank you for lending us your ears.

Surlisten to this...
Light-hearted, under-engineered podcast that keeps the improvisational muscle moving. Assistance by some annoying celebrity impressions, a variety of odd noises as well as the contributors continuously talking over one another; these short, rather harmless and completely non-educational soundbites act as time fillers...

Time fillers for whatever life throws at you.. Waiting on that bus or maybe you have a text message that just won’t send in bad network coverage? Well here’s your answer.. Stop reading this podcast description and throw on a quick episode of Surlisten To This...